Writer of things. many things.


It's hard to tell people what I do for a living because I've never been just one thing. I'm a writer. That's the easiest explanation. The harder one is explaining that I'm a copywriter/TV writer/creative director/food writer/travel host/branded content creator/avid sports fan who once created a series of stories comparing NBA basketball teams to items on the Cheesecake Factory menu. Like I said, I'm hard to define.

I started my career writing for "The Office" on NBC. Somehow that led to me complaining about food in a weekly column for Bon Appétit. A few years later, I was hosting a show for Travel Channel (that's a photo from our Hawaii episode on the left). I've written speeches for Samuel L. Jackson at the MTV Movie Awards. I ate 18 Michelin Stars worth of amazing food in Hong Kong over the course of one week. I've beaten cancer. I've had to deal with the modern digital insanity of sharing my name with a stupid racist jerk. Throughout it all, I've had one mission: to make an impact wherever I am. My life has always been and will always be dedicated to making people laugh, making people think, and making people enjoy the world around them more.

I also recently discovered that I love Flamin' Hot Cheetos. Let's discuss.


If you'd like to see my resume, please send me a note and I'll get it over to you right away. It may to be the best resume you read all year. That's not true. I'd say it's an A-/B+, at best.